“HND 妹豹”

Adelhills Hopes N Dreams

Imported from Australia. G8 generations from the wild cat. HND is our Snow Mink point , aqua eyed girl, with rosettes pattern. She has the most wonderful sweet personality and beautiful high clarity coat that is super soft and plush with a wonderful profile, big nocturnal eyes and puffy whisker pads and wide nose.

她來自澳洲,她是第八代的豹貓。她是一隻雪豹帶有湖水綠的眼睛 和高對比度的玫瑰紋。她有溫馴的性格,柔軟的毛髮,完美的頭型比例及圓滾滾的眼睛,野生感重的鼻子。她是我們所有豹貓中,頭型最靚的一個。

Colour A/A E/E B/B cb/cs D/D

PKD1 N/N Clear

PK-Def N/N Clear

PKD1 N/N Clear

PRAb N/N Clear

LongHair N/N

“Honey 蜜糖妹”

Adelhills Bee My Honey

G9 , 9th generation away from Asian leopard cat , Imported from Australia. She is a cool brown spotted girl . She had nice big knuckly paws, a super clean clear coat that is super soft and glittered. She has a wonderful tri-colour pattern with apricot coloured centers in her rosettes. Can’t wait for her growing.

G9 , 距離野生亞洲豹貓的第九代,她來自澳洲,她是一隻出色的金豹女女帶有雪豹基因,使她擁有對比更分明的玫瑰紋,柔軟的手掌,她的玫瑰紋,底色,外圈和內圈三種顏色深淺不一.正常而言,她將會是最優秀的金豹Queen。現時她的年齡還小,很期待她之後的發展。

Colour A/A E/E B/B C/cb D/D

PKD1 N/N Clear

PK-Def N/N Clear

PKD1 N/N Clear

PRAb N/N Clear

LongHair N/N

“VNH 玩水妹”

Adelhills Views on High

Imported from Australia . She is a brown spotted girl with great personality. I loved her well set rounded cupped ears, nocturnal eyes, perfect profile, super wide nose, extra puffy whisker pads and deep chin, small head set well within the shoulders, thick tail, with correct heavy boned body with strength and wild cat movement.

她來自澳洲,她是一隻性格溫馴的金豹女。我很喜歡她的圓形的小玫瑰,細小的耳朵,野性的眼睛,正確的頭版和寬闊的鼻梁。 她的步姿像一隻野生亞洲豹貓,很期待她之後的發展。


Colour A/A E/E B/B C/C D/D

PKD1 N/N Clear

PK-Def N/N Clear

PKD1 N/N Clear

PRAb N/N Clear

LongHair N/N

“Coconut 椰子妹”

Adelhills Coconut Rum

Imported from Australia. She is our seal mink, aqua eyed girl, with rosetted pattern. She has inky patterning and a super soft dense texture, thick tail, solid boning, beautiful profile and nice puffy whisker pads.

她來自澳洲,並參加過2022澳洲FASA貓比賽取得優異成績。她是一隻雪豹帶有湖水綠色的大眼睛,而她透白的底色令他深淺有度的玫瑰紋顯得更出眾。她純白的底色遺傳至他的冠軍爸爸”Knight” (已於他剛滿月時不幸離世)但我們得榮幸可以擁有”Knight”的後代,她的爸爸來自德國,而我們亦期待她之後的發展。

Colour A/A E/E B/B cb/cs D/D

PKD1 N/N Clear

PK-Def N/N Clear

PKD1 N/N Clear

PRAb N/N Clear

LongHair N/N